Montessori: a holistic approach to educating young children – #W4S – Women4Solutions – Webinar


Children are our Hope and our Promise for the Future. All children are our children and we must offer them environments at home and at school which will allow them to unfold their full potential as complete, happy and knowlegable human beings. The Montessori approach liberates children to develop their full intelectual capacity along with a sensitive social awareness. Very young children develop their attitudes during the first years of life, which gives parents and teachers a most significant responsibility. The Montessori method follows a holistic education, giving significance to a child’s mental, physical, psychological and social development – not as separate entitites, but as a harmonious whole. This method has proven itself worldwide, on all continents, in big cities and small villages, for over 100 years.

Speaker: Lilian Bryan, Lecturer, Teacher Trainer, Consultant. Founder Trainer Emeritus at the Montessori Institute of Atlanta (now retired).

