A must for the 21 century: sustainability in gender parity and fashion – #W4S – Women4Solutions – Webinar


Princess Ronke Ademiluyi Royalty born to a scion of the royal family, she is the great grand daughter of late Ooni Ajagun Ademiluyi of Ile Ife A law graduate of West London University, who went ahead in 2011 to become the founder of Africa Fashion Week London  now UK’S largest annual fashion event that promote and nurtures  African and African-inspired design talent. Her Africa Fashion Week London has showcased over 1000 designers and exhibitors from Africa and the global diaspora to over 70,000 visitors and  represented designers from 27 African countries and a further 20 African-inspired designers from countries outside the African  Continent, including  France, Holland, USA, Brazil, China, the Caribbean, and, of course, the United Kingdom. In 2014 she set up a sister platform in Nigeria, Africa Fashion Week Nigeria to enable her to reach out to young African designers from all over the continent who cant afford the logistics of traveling to the London to showcase She has produced over 20 fashion shows including the Mayor of London’s Africa on the Square event during  every Black History Month in London. For  the past 10 years, her annual Africa Fashion Week London consistently employs over 100 youth that includes models, stylists, make up artists, designers and models to work with her. In 2021 she produced The AFWL Business Fashion Forum in collaboration   the Mayor of London’s Office, Department of Trade South Africa and The V&A Museum. She is the co-founder of Fashion Future Online Courses  in partnership with Henleys Business School UK & Parsons Design School New York. She set up the AFWL Mentoring scheme for Black fashion students in the UK in partnership with Northampton University in The UK. She is the co- author of the  African fashion book The Eyes of Originality & Creativity She is the producer of the documentary Ingenious Aso Oke fabric of Nigeria and founder of the Adire Oodua Textile Hub in Ile Ife, South West Nigera. She is the  creator  and  producer of Moremi The Musical, a musical drama of the legendary Queen Moremi Ajasoro of Ile Ife. She is  the co founder and Global Ambassador of the QMA  international an initiative that supports the rights of girls and women in Nigeria & Africa. She oversees the QMA fund that educates and empowers young ladies in Nigeria and Africa. She published the book of The authentic story of the legendary Queen Moremi. She set up the QMA initiative to campaign against modern day slavery and trafficking of young women in Nigeria, and Africa. She set up the QMA mentorshIp program for young ladies a program that provides start up funds for young female. Entrepreneurs. She is the founder of the Adire Oodua Textile Hub, which is under the chairmanship of His Imperial Majesty the Ooni of Ife, the hub is a covid bounce back facility that was set up to train and empower women and youth in Ife and its environs. She is the author of the book Unspoken, a book about Africa women Kingship and leadership.

Moderator Viola Edward, CEO, Co-founder-owner of GRIT Academy, author, multi-awarded personal & corporate Advisor. Transcultural Psychotherapist, Trainer of Breathwork & Mentoring, Social Entrepreneur & philanthropist. Partner of Creative Women Platform. Co-creator of the BQ- Breath Intelligence. Committed with the creation of sustainable society since 1993. Viola sits on the boards of several NGO’s including Women 4 Solutions and serves as ambassador for Human Rights and Gender Equity. Ally of Women Empowering Principales-WEPs of ONU Women.

