A Woman CEO’s journey from the Corporate World to Social Entrepreneurship

Laura Giadorou Koch is a woman who truly embodies the concept of «The Brand Called You.» As a social entrepreneur, Impact Investor, and Founder & CEO of Women4Solutions, she has shown that with determination and a strong sense of purpose, anyone can overcome obstacles and achieve their dreams.

Laura’s journey to success began in the corporate world, where she worked as a senior corporate leader. However, despite her professional achievements, she felt a sense of restlessness and a desire to make a greater impact. This led her to leave the corporate sector and transition to NGOs, where she could work towards making a real difference in the world.

One of the biggest challenges that Laura faced on her journey was dyslexia. Dyslexia is a learning disorder that affects the ability to read and write, and it can make it difficult for individuals to succeed in a corporate environment. However, Laura refused to let dyslexia hold her back and instead used it as a motivation to work harder and achieve more. Through her determination and hard work, she was able to overcome this challenge and become a successful CEO.

Today, Laura is the Founder & CEO of Women4Solutions, a social enterprise that empowers women to create solutions for the greatest problems humanity is facing. Through her work at Women4Solutions, Laura is proving that business and markets can be powerful tools for creating positive change in the world.

In her recent interview with «The Brand Called You,» Laura shares her inspiring story and teaches us about the power of determination, hard work, and the importance of following your passion. You can watch the video of the interview below.

Overall, Laura Giadorou Koch’s journey from the corporate world to social entrepreneurship serves as an inspiration for anyone who wants to make a difference in the world. Her story shows that with hard work, determination and a strong sense of purpose, anyone can overcome obstacles and achieve their dreams. And her work with Women4Solutions highlights that business and markets can be powerful tools for creating positive change in the world.