Workshops | #InnerWellnessSeries
Seminars that seek to develop innovations on inner-well-being of people and regeneration of the environment. We support the trainers/coaches in the marketing and dissemination of these workshops focused on the caring economy.
Courses of more than 10 hours focused on women empowerment. We provide best practices and effective self-assessment tools on Gender Parity, corporate sustainability and conflict resolution (NONFLICT).
CERTIFICACIÓN: PARIDAD DE GÉNERO HACIA LA ECONOMÍA DEL CUIDADO – Buenas Prácticas y Herramientas para la Autonomía y el Desarrollo de Negocios Sostenibles
Propósito de la #w4s Certificación: Descripción:Esta certificación es...
Certificación como coach Oficial de NONFLCIT: metodología para la resolución de conflictos #w4sCERTIFICACIÓN I ESPAÑOL
Propósito de la #w4s Certificación: Descripción:Enseñar la metodología...
Local, regional, and international co-creation spaces to work on our purpose under innovative modalities based on collective intelligence to create concrete and measurable actions with respect to the gender and climate agenda (in-person and virtual).
Aproximadamente 2400 millones de mujeres en el mundo no tienen los mismos derechos económicos que los hombres
Estimada comunidad de W4S, Queremos compartir con ustedes este informe...
From Global to Local: SDG 16, Access to Justice and Women’s Strategies for Empowerment
Description: Global Council for the Promotion of International Trade is a...
Relazione annuale sull’impatto – BWomen Italy
Un anno speciale, un anno diverso, un anno inaspettato e stravolgente che...
Colaborative Actions
To disseminate scalable, simple and concrete solutions that promote the Caring Economy locally, regionally and internationally.
From Global to Local: SDG 16, Access to Justice and Women’s Strategies for Empowerment
Description: Global Council for the Promotion of International Trade is a...
Master Class on Caring Economy at the National University of Cuyo – Argentina
We thank the Master in Social Responsibility and Sustainable Development...
HELLO! How can we co-create?
Chief Engagement Officer Laura Giadorou Koch