Mary Magdalene, a prominent figure in the New Testament, has captivated...
Mary Magdalene: Her Impact on Gnostics of the 1st and 2nd Century
The historic texts, manuscripts, and the origins of the Gnostic Gospels, unraveling the events that transpired during Mary Magdalene’s life.
Mary Magdalene:Cathars,Templars, the Grial and beyong
The historic texts, manuscripts, and the origins of the Gnostic Gospels, unraveling the events that transpired during Mary Magdalene’s life.
Mary Magdalene: Archetypes, Vision & her Impact on Women and Men
The historic texts, manuscripts, and the origins of the Gnostic Gospels, unraveling the events that transpired during Mary Magdalene’s life.
Mary Magadale: Her Impact During Her Life & After Uncovering Today’s Reaction
The historic texts, manuscripts, and the origins of the Gnostic Gospels, unraveling the events that transpired during Mary Magdalene’s life.
Mary Magdalene: The New Findings about Her Life & Impact Then and Today
The historic texts, manuscripts, and the origins of the Gnostic Gospels, unraveling the events that transpired during Mary Magdalene’s life.