“Care Economy. Our companies are changing the world” Natural Women – Natural Style Magazine

B Women is a global network of women entrepreneurs who have decided to use all their value in a work activity capable of generating a positive impact. They form an international community that aims to raise awareness and take positive action on the role of women in business.

B Women is a global network of women entrepreneurs who have decided to use all their value in a work activity capable of generating a positive impact. They form an international community that aims to raise awareness and take positive action on the role of women in business.
Natural Style Magazine (Italy) of March tells the story, the values and the results of the entrepreneurs who recently founded the movement in Italy, in the month that par excellence celebrates the figure and strength of women.
B Women, doing more for the #CareEconomy!
Read the full article in English HERE
Anna Cogo | Caterina Dentoni-Litta | Elena Riva- Ali | Silvia Mazzanti | Giulia Detomati | Laura Gori Source: B Corporation Italia
#BWomen #BWomenITALY #WomenEntrepreneurs #BusinessWomen #TripleImpactBusisness