Recording #bwsWEBINAR | Using our Votes to Take Back the World
By John Bunzl, International Simultaneous Policy Organisation (Simpol).
Moderator: Paul Jarvis, National Coordinator for Simpol-Spain.
July 21st, 2020
About the topic
Solving global problems could be easier than we think: Humanity is failing to tackle urgent global problems like climate change, tax avoidance, mass migration and wealth inequality. Meanwhile, voters are rebelling in the form of Brexit, Trump and the rise of the Far-Right. The SIMPOL SOLUTION reasons that there is just one barrier that prevents all governments from taking action: the fear that it would make their national economies uncompetitive. No nation can move first for fear of losing jobs and investment to others.
About John Bunzl
John M. Bunzl is a political activist with a new and compelling vision for citizen-driven global cooperation. He champions global cooperation as critical to solving the challenges threatening our planet. He founded the International Simultaneous Policy Organisation (Simpol) in 2002 to encourage citizens to use their national right to vote to drive politicians, parties and governments towards global cooperation. Since the organisation’s establishment, Simpol has successfully built a network of citizen supporters in over 100 countries and politicians in a number of countries support the Simpol campaign. John has authored and co-authored three books including People-Centred Global Governance – Making it Happen, Monetary Reform – Making it Happen written with the prominent monetary reformer, James Robertson and the The Simpol Solution – Solving Global Problems Could Be Easier Than We Think, with Nick Duffell. He has lectured widely on global governance including at The Schumacher Society, The World Trade Organisation, The World Academy of Arts & Sciences (WAAS), The Lucis Trust and at universities around the world.
This cycle of videoconferences is organized by the B Women Solutions (BWS) movement. A global network of Changemakers Co-creating a platform for the Caring Economy focusing on Gender and Climate Action.
Do not miss the next #bwsWEBINAR – Full agenda HERE