
The Chalice & The Blade
Riane Eisler's influential book, "The Chalice and the Blade: Our History, Our Future," has seen a resurgence of popularity in Spanish speaking countries in recent years. This groundbreaking work,...

Diversity & Inclusion: The Heart of Company Strategy
Diversity and inclusion (D&I) is a topic that has been overlooked by many companies for far too long. It is often seen as a "nice to have" rather than a crucial aspect of a company's strategy....

#w4sCERTIFICACIÓN – Masterclass sobre Economía del Cuidado ✅
Queremos compartir con nuestra comunidad una pequeña parte de nuestra Certificación Internacional "Paridad de Género hacia la Economía del Cuidado". Esta increíble Masterclass sobre Economía del...

Upcycling: Un cambio de consciencia en la moda
¿Alguna vez has oído hablar de upcycling? Se trata de una técnica que consiste en darle una segunda vida a prendas antiguas, utilizando los materiales y telas que ya tenemos en casa para crear...

A new way to learn to read in English and Spanish
"Introducing the Nardagani Reading Program - A Revolutionary Way to Learn to Read in English and Spanish Are you tired of traditional reading methods that rely on guessing and memorization? Look no...

Love Pedagogy: Pedagogy of Wisdom, Initiative and Freedom
Love Pedagogy is a unique approach to education that has been developed over the last thirty years by Ina Grasmane, a psychologist and doctoral student. This approach combines constant upbringing...

Reading Club – Launch your new carrier by Carine Kindinger
Good news! Here´s the full #ReadingClub Online📚 session with Carine Kindinger about her book "Launch your new carrier". Access to the e-book: .
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